One week from now, Michael and I will be celebrating our
one-year wedding anniversary! Time has flown! And for me, life has
changed so much! June 11, 2011, Michael and I were married after being
engaged the previous December. We had dated until that time from June 26,
2010 when we met at a wedding. I had moved in October 2010 to New Jersey
from Massachusetts so I could get to know Michael better. I had
transitioned from Christian school teaching to online editing and began
learning how to live in a vastly different culture of suburban New
Jersey compared to the quiet pace of Northern Indiana and South Coast
Massachusetts. Over the year, I began to establish loving roots with my
new family, getting to know my new aunts and uncles, cousins, and brothers and
sisters-in-law. God was guiding me through the emotional process of
coping at a distance with the massive changes occurring in what I had
always known as my "secure" home in Indiana. Mom and Dad moved
away from the house of my last single years, my sister married and then
recently moved with her husband to Michigan, my brother married and established
his own home with his new bride, my last remaining grandparent died, and I
realized that going home would never be the same. Nevertheless, God was
giving me a new family that I was learning to cherish, and He replaced my
grandma with another who is close by. I have
been learning to make New Jersey my home, but more than that, I have been
learning not to set my hope too strongly on anything in this world. God has
been teaching me more about heavenly citizenship.
Since returning
from teaching in the Dominican Republic, I have been so blessed to have for the
first time a regular medical doctor to care for me that specializes in Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. We are praising God for Michael's
medical package through work that has enabled me to get regular treatments and
gain better answers into my health difficulties. I have begun to explore
more seriously and regularly the world of healthy food, fruits, vegetables and
gluten-free baking and set up foundations for healthy lifestyles for years to
come, by God's grace.
Preakness Valley URC during the youth group's Mother's Day Flower Sale |
Over the past
year, we have been established as a married couple in the church of our
membership (Preakness Valley United Reformed Church) where I lead ladies' Bible
studies and prayer groups, seek to help out in outreaches such as evangelistic
events and Vacation Bible School, and join the Preakness Chorale. Michael
has continued to deepen his ministry as an adult Sunday School teacher, youth
leader, musician, and choir director, among other things.
Ministering to the
neighbors has lain heavily upon our hearts as we pray for their salvation and
God's grace to enable us to be His witnesses. Our relationships with
various neighbors have grown in the past year, and as we clean up our yard and
patio, we hope for opportunities for cookouts this summer!
Above all, we have
seen God growing us toward Him together, which has drawn us closer and deepened
our love and appreciation for each other. Marriage has a way of exposing
sins and selfishness. It is humbling. It makes me realize how much
we need God's grace and Spirit to love each other for better or for worse.
But God is so good and so gracious. He has shown me His tender,
unconditional love through my husband. Now into Year 2: I pray God
enables me to learn how to be the wife of noble character while being content
with my physical limitations in a Christ-centered way. We are eager to see what our Lord has in
store for us this year, praying for new lessons, new mercies, and deeper love toward Him and each other.
Loved reading your blogs. They were encouraging. God has blessed you with such a wonderful gift of writing. Love you, sis!